Our Commitment to serve you better
With the National Plan to Control the spread and eleminate Coronavirus | COVI-19 , The Federal Government & State Governments are placing further plans whereby we play the most role in.
MegaMore Wireless Broadband Limited, as your preferred Internet Service Provider, fully understands the growing need to access the Internet Services and stay Online for Study, updates, guidance, news, or enterainment.
As part of our contribution to help the communities in such hard times, we offer our esteemed clients and any new client a free upgrade on their internet services to meet their increased demand according to following categories & as follows:
- Free link Upgrade to a reasonable bandwidth for Residential Clients with Family members studying online
- Free link Upgrade Corporate Clients who require to work from home
- Free Link Relocation “Free Installation” to educational institutes and universities to a single locaion, to have access to the internet outside the campus.
- Free link upgrade to a reasonable bandwidth to educational institutions & Health organizations.
To apply for A Free Upgrade or Relocation please click the link here , fill and submit the form. We will assess your request promptly.
- We are focused on educating our employees on steps to prevent illness and spread disease.
We will continue to serve you and provide customer support 24/7 through our hotline 07065525271.
Your preferred Internet Service Provider
MegaMore Wireless Broadband Limited
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